Experts in concrete preparation, polishing & resinous flooring.

Surface Preparation
The mechanical preparation of a concrete surface is a key ingredient to any installation. We have the latest equipment to remove excess materials, clean, and profile any concrete slab or wall. From massive bridge decks and warehouses to hospital clean rooms; we have the right equipment to suit your needs.
- Diamond Grinding
- Shot Blasting
- Sand Blasting
- Pressure Washing
- Scarifying / Fine Milling
- Concrete Cutting

Polished Concrete
Resinous Flooring
Our foundation has always been in mechanical preparation, which has given us a leg up in providing customers with customized, quality surface solutions. From the management staff, to our job site leaders & laborers, all employees are trained and certified in many different specialized installations. Some examples of these installations include but are not limited to:
- Concrete Grind & Polish
- Concete Staining
- Specialty Industrial Sealer Systems
- Polyurea/Epoxy/Urethane Joint Seal
- Urethane Cement Systems
- High Build & Thin-Mil Epoxy Systems
- Waterproofing Membranes
- Traffic Coatings

Embracing new trends and technology while incorporating proven techniques and systems keeps us successful. We choose suppliers based on the same ideology. We keep a wide breadth of materials in our repertoire so that we can better provide our customers with the solution that fits their specific need. Some of our preferred product manufacturers are:
- Dur-A-Flex Inc.
- General Polymers (Sherwin Williams)
- Euclid Chemical
- Prosoco
- Ardex